Amatsi Water and Sanitation Company (AWASCO) was incorporated in November 2005 under the Companies Act cap 486. It is wholly owned by Vihiga County. It has its headquarters in Mbale town, Lunyerere and has its area of jurisdiction divided into five urban Towns/centres, namely: Mbale, Luanda, Majengo, Gambogi, and Kaimosi which are further devolved into Schemes per the key catchment areas as Mbale, Maseno, Vihiga, Sosiani and Kaimosi schemes.AWASCO is also mandated to run the following water projects with the county,Chango,Bumbo,and Ebunangwe.
The leading water and sanitation utility Company in Kenya
OUR MISSION To provide safe, reliable and affordable water and sanitation services through sustainable, eco-friendly, efficient and effective management of water supply and sanitation facilities that meets our customers’ expectations.